Why is humanizing your brand important? Humanizing your brand is important because it enables you to connect with consumers beyond just products or services. By humanizing your brand, you can establish relationships with customers and make them feel like they have a personal stake in the company. This helps to build trust and loyalty, which are essential for any successful business.
Let’s state the obvious again, over the past few years, the consumer’s demands have shifted! What do people want from companies now? They expect companies to provide unique experiences, honesty, and transparency. Consumers are making it clear that they want to support brands that care about the same issues they do.
“Brands are not humans, but customers are. To sell, get more conversions, increase engagement, and build brand loyalty, it’s important first to build a relationship with customers.” SOURCE: Declan Redmond, HubSpot
1. Why humanize a brand?
Humanizing your brand has many benefits, including gaining credibility and getting your voice heard. Using social media helps accomplish that in a way that wasn’t possible before because the beauty of social media channels is that you can have a dialogue with your customers and prospects. How? For example: by not filling up their feeds with only words, you can ask them questions and find meaningful wisdom about your company.
2. What is your brand voice tone?
It is important to often think about how a brand looks and feels visually; what is sometimes overlooked is brand voice and tone. Social media inclusion in marketing efforts has made your voice and tone more important than ever. Brand voice is what you say, and brand tone is how you say it. So, make your brand’s tone personal, approachable, and engaging. Remember, content is not just about photos or videos; it includes words and graphics, so a simple way of accomplishing that is by content creation.
They must portray themselves as leaders for many professionals or industries. Because generating leads and gaining credibility is paramount. Although that is also necessary, it doesn’t negate the need for a human element, so striking balance is necessary. In reality, you can have professional, educational, or even technical content that incorporates a fun, caring, or engaging tone.
3. Do Words Matter?
How to speak your audience’s language? Just. Speak. Clearly. Speak in a way that allows them to connect with you. You might have more than one group of people that make up your customer base, and they need to be able to understand you. Your written content needs the attention and consistency you give to the other elements of your brand presence. You can only stand out so much based on your visual content, logo, or product features alone.
Your prospects and customers want to avoid reading or hearing fluffy fanciful corporate jargon. They want to be able to understand what they are reading or seeing. When a company is B2B, it is necessary to communicate to the audience in an educational, informative way. But if your company is B2C, try to connect by striking an emotional chord.
4. Tell, don’t sell?
On average, people view over 300 adverts daily; when they click on your content, the last thing they want to see is another one. They are busy and, typically, have a lot of content to choose from, so cut to the chase in how your article is about to help them and tell them what they can expect clearly.
My favorite saying when someone asks me my secret to closing a deal is: “I don’t sell; I just tell!” I tell them the benefits of going on a certain route and trying a different approach. Nobody wants to be sold, let alone sold incessantly, such as “Buy our products! Book our services! Give us money!”
When all we do is SELL, the customers (rightly) tune out!
A good way to start doing that is by “telling” about your product or sale in a fun way, where it is just information, a hack, or even an experience. Let them decide to ask for more, in the sense of buying, after they feel connected.
So, entice your audience with something of value without the sales pitch, and they will seek you out for more. It should be about creating relationships through trust built on you providing helpful, credible resources. It can be as simple as a how-to blog post on an industry topic.
Here at The AD Leaf Marketing Firm, humanizing your brand and adding a level of personalization is what we do for you. We will help your prospects and customers connect.