Surviving Google Algorithm Updates for SEO Specialists

Google algorithm Updates



Nothing strikes fear into the hearts of SEO specialist quite like Google algorithm updates. Ever since Google started rolling out huge algorithm updates, marketers have lived in perpetual fear that the next algorithm update will be the one to kill all of their traffic and send their website and all their hard work into the abyss. While it’s easy to fall into this way of thinking, these updates aren’t as scary as most people like to think. Did you know that Google updates or changes its search algorithm 300-500 times each year?  That means that Google’s search algorithm is being updated at least once per day and you don’t even notice! Here are three things you can do to make sure your website doesn’t suffer like most during large updates.

1. Don’t Panic

The number 1 thing people do wrong when it comes to algorithm updates is panic! They rush into making changes to their website including using outdated SEO practices like keyword stuffing, throw a lot of money into advertising, and sometimes they even redesign their entire website. The worst thing you can do is immediately try to dissect how you can “improve” your website based on what you think an algorithm update means. You need to stay calm, intelligently look over the update notes, and proceed to step #2.

2. Listen to Google Algorithm Update Notes

In the world of SEO specialists, it shouldn’t surprise you to know that one of the best ways to survive a Google algorithm update is to do what Google says! I know it sounds pretty obvious, but you’d be surprised how many companies don’t realize the amount of information Google has available for you. From general website advice to giving SEO suggestions, everything they offer is dedicated to making your website better and outperforming the competition. 

3. Seek Professional Help

Feeling overwhelmed by Google algorithm updates is normal, but those feelings should not take your attention away from your business. Getting help from professional SEO specialists who make it their business to ensure that your website is up to date and ranks well. It is a worthwhile investment that will help you maintain a strong online presence as you continue to focus on growing your company.

Though sometimes it can seem like Google is your mortal enemy, the goals of an SEO specialist and the search engine are actually the same. We strive to serve meaningful content to interested audiences. So, if you are creating content that has your readers in mind, a Google algorithm update won’t affect you as much because you are providing content that users want to read. Google’s main focus is to provide the information users need and want as fast ad reliably as possible. You may see temporary fluctuations in traffic but it isn’t a cause for concern or a reason to panic. If your target continues to be the focus of the content you are creating, traffic will stabilize after a hiccup or two after the Google algorithm update.


Don’t follow your first instinct and panic when a new Google algorithm update is released. By staying away from bad habits, you can get through this update mostly unscathed. Now that you know what to do and what not to do when a new Google algorithm update is released, its time to follow step #3 and contact the professional at The AD Leaf ® Marketing Firm! We specialize in this field and we have the tools and expertise necessary to help drive your business’s success by improving your search engine ranking. Learn more about what we have to offer your business and contact us to plan out and design a strategy for SEO with one of our professional and highly skilled SEO specialists.

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The AD Leaf Corporate The AD Leaf Corporate