The topic of creating content or writing content is one where marketing agencies and clients oftentimes do not see eye to eye. Most clients expect the agency to create all the content for them to use to improve the client’s marketing performance, and most agencies have not built content creation into the marketing contract the client has agreed to, so a stalemate ensues. The agency does not want to execute a client relationship that is not profitable, and the client does not feel comfortable writing about their business. The result is nothing happens. Each person draws a line in the sand until the client ultimately leaves the agency and feels unsupported.
There is a glimpse of hope for both sides! First, using industry-specific terminology and jargon can scare, put off, or intimidate your clients. When you ask for “content” or a “blog,” you may be causing nervous energy with your client, as they may feel their writing skills are not up to par. Maybe they think they are not qualified or comfortable writing about themselves or their company. We have found if you coach your clients through this process with a little help and guidance, the client will be more apt and comfortable to participate in sending content for blogs, social channels, and the website. Here’s how.
Coaching the client through the process of writing content is very helpful. Clients blog every day, and they do not even know it. Really, you ask? Yes, really! Each time a client sends an email to a potential customer that discusses their services or the goods they sell, it could be a blog post. Each time your client discusses their company’s mission, guiding principles, fulfillment practices, customer service, return policy, exchange policy, shipping, best practices, or any other topic related to their business model with their audience, this is potentially a great blog post. These tidbits of communication would also make wonderful social posts because it gives their customers a glimpse into your client’s company’s operations, policy, and procedures. Some people feel uncomfortable writing but do a great job with verbal communication. There are many free or quality mobile apps that you can download to your smartphone which can record your communication sessions. This is an easy way to develop lots of content without writing or typing it. We have often used this process with clients who were uncomfortable writing their own content. We turned on the recording application and proceeded to interview the client. Your clients LOVE to talk about their businesses, so executing this is very simple.
The goal is to ensure that the client participates in their marketing relationships, writes content, and the agency executes its work product in a profitable manner. Additionally, a marketing agency is the subject matter expert in the field of Marketing and Advertising, but you are the subject matter expert with your business model. Your agency can develop great graphics and program beautiful websites, but there is no one better to tell your business story than you.
E: | P: 321.255.0900 | Skype: Chris.Delarue