7 Reasons Why PPC is Vital To Your Business

Pay-Per-Click marketing is like the gold rush. Everyone is flocking to the land, but only a few come out with more riches than they know what to do with. PPC marketing is very challenging, unbelievably frustrating at times, but it’s worth it. Actually, it’s more than worth it. Think about it. You have the ability to show thousands of potential customers your ads all day, and night, every single day of the week. Why wouldn’t you want to do that? Continue reading and I will go over 7 reasons why PPC marketing is vital to growing your business.


  1. Pay-Per-Click

One of the reasons why this business model works and works well is because you only pay when someone clicks on your ad hence the name “Pay-Per-Click” or PPC Marketing.

Your ads can appear on searches but if a user doesn’t click, you don’t pay.

Your goal is to appear when your services are needed and wanted.

The whole point to PPC marketing is to appear in front of users who are in need, and properly offer your solution to their problem.


  1. You’re in Control

Yes I know we’re advertising on Google’s platform and all, but we’re not at their mercy. We (the advertisers) are still very much in control of our success. Here are the following things we are in control of.

  • Which keywords trigger our ads to be shown
  • Which keywords we DON’T show up for
  • How much we spend
  • When our ads show up
  • What our ads say
  • Who we show up for (E-Mail list)

The things we’re in control of is utterly important. Do your due diligence when it comes to keyword research, negative keyword research, the latest trends, and be sure to test until you find your winning formula!


  1. Google Analytics

One of your greatest allies!

Google analytics eliminates any and all confusion as to what works in your PPC marketing campaigns. Google lets you know which keywords are performing the best, what search terms your ads are appearing for, what time of day your ads are being clicked on, and much more.

This tool was created by Google tool to help us advertisers make informed decisions about our campaigns, and how to optimize them accordingly.


  1. Tracking Conversions

How do you know if your campaigns are successful or not?

That’s where conversion tracking comes into play.  

Conversion tracking allows you to know which aspects of your campaign are working, and which ones are not (in terms of performance)

AdWords allows you track phone calls, app downloads, e-mail sign-ups, sales, leads, etc

Conversion tracking is one of the most important parts of daily campaign management, and conversion tracking should be set up as soon as possible.

We don’t want to spend money on clicks, and not know for a fact if they’re converting or not.

Be sure to set up conversion tracking as soon as possible!


  1. Unlike SEO, Pay Per Click Marketing Can Yield Better Results & Do it Faster!

Don’t get me wrong, SEO is one of the most important parts of a great digital marketing strategy, but it takes a long time (I’m talking several months) to see results.

On the other hand, Pay-Per-Click marketing can have your ads on Google in front of your ideal customer in just several hours.

Let’s go over some of the benefits of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

  • It’s cost-effective (you never pay for a click)
  • Increase brand awareness
  • SEO can decrease your Cost Per Acquisition
  • SEO builds trust and credibility

Let’s go over the downsides of Search Engine Optimization

  • Takes an incredibly long time to see results
  • Appear below paid ads
  • Most people don’t go past the first couple of results (aka the paid ads)

Benefits of Pay-Per-Click Marketing

  • Fast Results
  • Accurate Results
  • Trackable Conversions

Downsides to PPC Marketing

  • Costs money
  • Daily monitoring
  • Constant optimization
  • Never ending testing


Both SEO, and PPC have their pros and cons, but the best way to see fast, accurate, and trackable results is through PPC. To rank your page on Google using SEO will take you months, and even when you’re in top position for organic searches; you’ll still be below the paid ads.


  1. Constant Testing is Encouraged!

When you’re a PPC manager the only thing that’s constant is change and why are we constantly testing, tweaking, and messing around with ads?

The question is, why aren’t you?

As a PPC manager, your job is to find a winning formula and duplicate it over, and over, and over again. That’s the only way to increase business for your client and keep them happy.

Here’s an important tip to remember… Not everything you test will be successful!

Don’t be discouraged by this instead think of it as a blessing, you figured out a way that didn’t work, so that eliminates one more thing that you have to test.

Your winning formula is out there! You just need to keep testing!

How do you know if one of your strategies is working or not?

Use Conversion Tracking and Google Analytics!

Because of these two amazing tools, you don’t have to guess whether or not something works. You’ll have empirical data that will show you if it’s working or not.


  1. Remarketing

What is remarketing? 

Have you ever been to Amazon started browsing around, maybe you even added an item or two into your cart and now everywhere you go those same products seem to follow you?

That’s remarketing folks.

Remarketing is showing your ads to users that have been to your website, took an action on your ad, or have added an item to their cart.

If you have 100 clicks on your ad, and 20 of those users become customers you have a 20% conversion rate. But you may be asking, what about the remaining 80%?

You’ve already spent money getting them to come to your website, they clicked on your ad for a reason, so why not pursue them some more?

It’s much easier to convert a prospect into a customer if they see your advertisements over and over again


What’s so great about remarketing?

Remarketing is amazing because you get to target users that already interacted with your ad in one way or another, and remarketing costs a fraction of what a normal PPC campaign costs

If a remarketing campaign is setup properly, it can get you results for cents on the dollar and be sure to use remarketing as a part of your overall marketing strategy for maximum return on your investment.

As you learn more, and more about how PPC Marketing can positively impact your business; you’ll quickly realize that it can generate quality leads at a fair price, and at an incredible rate of speed. PPC is a hard beast to tame, but once you get the hang of it the results can be astonishing!

About The Author

The AD Leaf Corporate The AD Leaf Corporate