Why Branding Matters

Business ideas come from all different directions. Maybe one day, you woke up with an idea in your head, ran into an annoyance you knew you could fix, or perhaps your business has been your life goal from an early age. No matter what way you’ve come up with your plan or what industry you’re in, one thing always rings true: you’re not likely to get far without a fully rounded out brand identity. Here’s why branding matters.

Brand Identity

What is a brand identity? Essentially, it’s the culmination of everything that makes up your brand and, in turn, how it makes consumers feel. It’s your logo, packaging, voice, mission statement, value, strategy, and so much more. The thing about branding is it’s very easy to get tunnel vision when you’re handling it all on your own. You know your product or service is excellent. You know you’ve put time and immense effort into honing your craft. The thing is, consumers don’t know that, and they aren’t likely to take the time to figure it out. That’s where branding comes in. Your brand is what builds interest and trust, and interest and trust lead to sales! 

What to Ask Yourself

Take a step back and look at your product or service and ask yourself these questions: 

  • Is my logo eye-catching and clear?
  • Is my packaging professional and matching or exceeding that of my competition? 
  • What is it exactly that I’m offering that my competition isn’t? 
  • Is my site fast, user-friendly, and mobile-friendly?
  • Am I advertising on the right platforms?
  • Am I on the right social media platforms and engaging with them correctly?
  • Is my pricing fair? 

If you don’t know the answers to these questions, you need professional branding help! By working with a company outside of your circle of friends, family, and colleagues, you’re able to get an unbiased opinion of your brand and the position of your company in comparison to any competitors you may have. 

We’ve Got Your Back

The good thing is, there’s no need to panic if you think your branding isn’t where it should be. That’s where The AD Leaf comes in! By working with a full-service marketing agency, you can rest assured that every aspect of your branding will be cohesive and intentional. If you’re looking to establish your brand from scratch or would like to rebrand what you currently have, reach out today! 

The AD Leaf Marketing Firm LLC. is a digital marketing firm located in Melbourne, Florida that provides complete Digital Marketing Services for every industry. To schedule a free consultation, call us today at 321-255-0900.

About The Author

Shannon Sullivan Shannon Sullivan