Contrary to what many might believe, the summer months usually see a decrease in business. This is because many consumers are saving money for the new fiscal year rather than spending it. The decline correlates to what is called the summer slowdown, a slump in business and profits. However, this does not mean that your marketing has to slow down. Keeping up with and maintaining your marketing channels can benefit your business despite the slowdown.
Your social media accounts are an example of such channels. Business does not stop entirely during the summer, so your social media channels should not make it seem this way. Social media posts often increase by nearly 30% during the summer. Leaving your accounts vacant gives your company a negative impression, as inactivity makes it seem like you are out of business. This certainly should not be the case! Our social media team here at The AD Leaf recommends keeping up with current trends, holidays, and events. You can use these to create relevant social media posts and advertisements.
Email campaigns are also essential to keep up with despite the slowdown. As you might know, most of your campaign subscribers are most likely reading your emails on their phones. This means that they are aware of the company updates that your emails provide. It is vital to keep them updated regularly, especially when you have a sale or promotion starting. Enticing email subscribers with sneak peeks or special discounts in your summer emails can bring you great business.
Finally, the summer usually represents change as many people flock to the beach for a tan or the gym for a healthier lifestyle during this season. Working on your website’s SEO ranking and content could be a great thing to do during the dog days. It is essential to optimize your website’s contents so that it ranks higher on search engines. The demand for your products and services will persist in the summer, so make sure that your customers can find you.
Here at The AD Leaf Marketing Firm, our team is committed to promoting your business despite the supposed summer slowdown. We have highly experienced marketing consultants who have brought companies the results they need outside of their peak season. If you want to follow suit, contact our team! You can call us today at 321-255-0900 or send an email at
We look forward to providing you with marketing as long-lasting as the late summer nights.