Video Production

Digital Video Has Replaced Traditional TV.

Has digital video replaced traditional television?

Digital video is so prevalent that it’s changing the way viewers consume content. Today’s digital environment is changing the way that consumers watch TV. Nearly half of American households are now subscribing to at least one digital streaming service like Netflix to watch their favorite programming. Since 2013, the number of people leaving cable for good has outnumbered those who are joining.

This transformation in the way that people consume media has significant implications for businesses that want to reach their local audiences through video ads. Digital video trends suggest that digital video is already replacing television when it comes to marketing to today’s consumers.

50% of Americans now get their TV content from online streaming services.

In a recent article from the Harvard Business Review, it is stated that digital video has replaced traditional television. In fact, as of last year, over 50% of Americans now get their TV content from online streaming services such as Netflix and Hulu. This trend is not going to slow down anytime soon either because 85% percent of millennials report they would rather watch videos on YouTube than on regular TV. So how does this affect businesses? Well for starters, you need to be able to create high-quality videos if you want your company’s message to resonate with your target audience.

Digital video has changed the marketing world.

Did you know that more than 1/3 of all online activity is spent watching videos?  Today’s consumer is watching more digital video content than ever before. Just as digital video is changing the way that individuals consume media, it is also changing the way that businesses market to their ideal buyers. Many brands are delivering video ad content to their target audiences through a variety of online channels like YouTube, Facebook, and TikTok, and other social media channels. This offers a powerful platform for reaching new consumers in their target audience.

What’s more, is that many consumers prefer this type of content. An Animoto survey reveals that four times as many consumers would prefer to watch a video about a product rather than read about it. A HubSpot survey also found that 86% of businesses use video as a marketing tool, increasing slightly from 85% in 2020.  As digital video continues to increase in popularity, it will be increasingly important for brands to make sure that they are taking advantage of this opportunity to expand their online reach.

The digital video impact.

The transition away from television and toward digital video is good news for small to medium-size businesses that are trying to reach a more targeted audience. Brands can take advantage by creating unique and relevant video content that is targeted toward their ideal customers. Rather than showing one commercial to everyone like you would with a television spot, digital video allows you to optimize your budget by targeting the specific internet users that are most likely be interested in your product or service.

For instance, let’s say that you are offering a service that is aimed at young professionals in your target area. You can create quality digital ad content with messaging and imagery that appeals to this population. Use the sophisticated targeting abilities offered by different channels and platforms to make sure that your video content is delivered to those who are most likely to use your product and services.

The AD Leaf Marketing Firm Can Help!

Are you a business owner in Melbourne or anywhere else in the country? Do you want to take your marketing to the next level? Talk to one of our experts here at The AD Leaf Marketing Firm LLC.! To schedule a free consultation with our marketing teams, call us today at 321-255-0900.

About The Author

Brian J Wallace Brian J Wallace