Be Concise! Less Is More With Email

Email: The Foundational Tool

In the world of marketing, email is one of the most fundamental tools at our disposal. It maintains its mainstream appeal through its accessibility to clients and consumers alike in communicating time-sensitive information. As foundational as email marketing is to the practice, new trends are still emerging that maintain its modernity.

One emerging cultural trend that has been incorporated into the way we use email in marketing is minimalism. Minimalism has impacted email marketing by transforming emails from long-winded chunky blocks of text to concise straight-to-the-point communications that are easily digestible for consumers. 

Why Less Really Is More

  • Ease of Consumption

Skimming has taken over the way we digest media. Our eyes pick up on keywords and bolded text to access the importance of information and let our minds fill in the blanks. With such an excess of media to consume, our time to absorb it all has remained the same. To account for the discrepancy, we’re largely left with one of two options: skim the content or condense the material itself so that it’s less to read. As a marketing professional, making the material easier to interact with is where we step in.

  • Consideration for the Reader’s Time

Clients and customers are on a time budget. Their email accounts are bombarded with numerous emails not unlike your own. Being courteous and condensing your content and information into concise language delivers your goals without sacrificing the time of your clients and customers which they will be appreciative of in the long run. Requiring less reading time from your customers and clients inevitably allows them more time to follow through with the action your email is asking of them.

  • Earn the Favor of Your Audience

Recipients on your email list will value your content more if you show respect for their time and energy. Being concise and writing clearly consistently builds a reputation for the communications you disseminate to your audience. They’ll know what they’re getting every time they open one of your business’ emails and know that it’s going to be easy on the eyes and easily digestible. This will improve your open rate and translate into more conversions for your goods or services and better business for all parties involved.

  • Condensed Writing Encourages Clearer, More Engaging Content

Whittling down the length of your email content forces you to weed out unnecessary information. It forces the writer to think carefully and consider the necessity of each word and sentence. Editing your email content in this way inspires creativity in the way each piece of information gets delivered. Editing out extra sentences and words encourages clearer thinking on the part of the writer and the intended audience as well. The result is writing that gets straight to the point and tells the recipient what they need to know without requiring a substantial time investment.

  • Images and Bulleted Lists Are More Substantial

Substituting lengthy blocks of text with pictures and bulleted lists break up monotonous reading. They capture interest, convey meaning without requiring as much reading, and make for a more aesthetically pleasing design. The old adage, “a picture is worth a thousand words” exhibits the staying power of this email marketing trend of conciseness.

Bulleted lists benefit this strategy as well by grabbing the attention of the reader and directing them to smaller blocks of important text. This gives you as the writer the opportunity to position some of the most valuable pieces of information to a spot you know the reader will see them.

  • Know Your Audience

Of course, different emails and different email recipients require a different depth of information so it’s important to consider your target audience and who it is that will eventually be opening your marketing emails. A technical client will likely require more in-depth dialogue in their marketing emails based on their industry than regular clients will. If the situation calls for more writing follow your gut and do what you think is best given the situation.

Transform the Way You Reach Your Customers

Looking to increase the open rates or improve conversions of your email campaigns? The AD Leaf ® Marketing Firm, LLC is specially fitted to transform the way you reach your customers and clients. Our team of marketing experts has the experience and knowledge to take your future email campaigns to the next level. Contact us today for more information about how we can help!

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The AD Leaf Corporate The AD Leaf Corporate